[Software] Name=NirvaPrint Company=Nirva Systems Copyright=Copyright Nirva Systems 2006-2007 Version=1.02.007 Language=English [Printer] Title=Nirva Printer Name=Nirva Port=NIRVA: Monitor=Nirva Driver=HP C LaserJet 4500-PS;HP Color LaserJet 4500 PS;HP Color LaserJet 2800 Series PS Processor=WinPrint Prgm=nvp.exe Help=http://www.nirva-systems.com [ServerDirectories] Sdir1=;DIRECTORY:NirvaPrint_102E [Setup] IntroInstall=Do you want to install the Nirva printer? InstallOk=Installation successful. MonitorDll=nvvpsp.dll MonitorSrcDll=nvvpsp.dll PrgmSrc=nvp.exe UninstallPrgmOptions=-m uninstall IntroUninstall=Do you want to remove the Nirva printer ? UninstallOk=The Nirva printer has been removed. [SetupErrors] AlreadyInstalled=Nirva printer is already installed. PrinterInUse=The printer is still in use. Cannot remove it. NoSysDir=Can't find system directory. Error = %d. EnumMonitorsFailed=EnumMonitors() failed. Error = %d. AddMonitorFailed=AddMonitor() failed. Error = %d. AddPortFailed=AddPort failed. Error = %d. AddPrinterFailed=AddPrinter() failed. Error = %d. GetPrinterInfoFailed=Can't get printer information. Error = %d. DeletePrinterFailed=Can't delete printer. Error = %d. DeletePortFailed=Can't delete port. Error = %d. DeleteMonitorFailed=DeleteMonitor() failed. Error = %d. ErrorCopyFile=Error copying file. Error = %d. ErrorDeleteMonitorDll=Can't delete monitor DLL. Error = %d. RegCreateKeyFailed=RegCreateKey failed. Error = %d. RegOpenKeyFailed=RegOpenKey failed. Error = %d. RegSetValueFailed=RegSetValue failed. Error = %d. [Errors] NoPrinterName=No printer name given. NoFileName=No file name given. BadFile=Bad file. ErrorSendingFile=Error sending file to server. ErrorProcessingFile=Error processing sent file. ErrorNoFileIdent=Cannot get the file identifier. PrinterNotInstalled=The printer is not installed correctly. CannotConnectServer=Cannot connect the server. CannotGetDirectoryParameters=Cannot get parameters from directory the server. CannotGetDefaultBrowser=Cannot get the default browser path. CannotGetUserContext=Cannot get the user context. CannotRunBrowser=Cannot run the browser. NotAuthorized=You are not authorized to perform the operation. NoTunnelServiceProfile=No service name or profile has been defined for the tunnel mode. InvalidFileFormat=Invalid format file (not A4). BadUser=Bad user name. BadPassword=Bad password. OperationCanceled=Operation canceled by user. [MessageWindow] Title=Nirva print on demand BackgroundColor=255,255,255 Position=50,50 Widht=338 Height=96 Bitmap1File= Bitmap1Position= Bitmap2File= Bitmap2Position= Bitmap3File= Bitmap3Position= BitmapCancelFile= BitmapCancelSFile= BitmapCancelPosition= TextPosition=10,20 TextColor=0,0,0 TextBackgroundColor=255,255,255 Font=Arial FontSize=16 Bold=No Border=No Caption=Yes [Messages] ConnectingDirectory=Connecting the directory... GetDirectoryParam=Getting directory parameters... ConnectingServer=Connecting the server... CheckingSecurity=Checking security... SendingFile=Sending file... %d% ProcessingFile=Processing file... OpeningBrowser=Opening browser... [DlgIdent] Title=Nirva print - identifier IdentText=Identifier: PasswordText=Password: KeepIdentText=Keep password for next connection OkText=Ok HelpText=Help CancelText=Cancel Position=20,20 [DlgProxy] Title=Nirva print - proxy UserText=Proxy user: PasswordText=Proxy password: KeepPasswordText=Keep password for next connection OkText=Ok HelpText=Help CancelText=Cancel Position=20,20 [DlgUpdate] Title=Nirva print - update MessageText=A new version of the printer has been detected.\nDo you want to upgrade it now ? YesText=Yes NoText=No CancelText=Cancel Position=20,20 [DlgPrintMode] Title=Nirva print - mode ChooseText=Please choose the print mode: Standard=Standard StandardText=Sends your file to the server and then opens your browser to adjust parameters. Async=Asynchronous AsyncText=Sends your file to the server and let you manually open your browser to adjust parameters. Tunnel=Tunnel TunnelText=Sends your file to the server. The parameters are then automatically adjusted by the server. OkText=Ok HelpText=Help CancelText=Cancel Position=20,20 [DlgService] Title=Nirva print - service ChooseText=Please choose the service: OkText=Ok HelpText=Help CancelText=Cancel Position=20,20 [DlgConfig] Title=Nirva print - configuration DirectoryText=Directory service: ProxyServerText=Proxy server: ProxyPortText=Port: CheckVersionText=Enable version checking UnsavePasswordText=Unsave identifier and password UnsaveProxyPasswordText=Unsave proxy user and password VersionText=Version: OkText=Ok HelpText=Help CancelText=Cancel Position=20,20 [Help] Main=http://www.nirva-systems.com DlgIdent=http://www.nirva-systems.com DlgProxy=http://www.nirva-systems.com DlgPrintMode=http://www.nirva-systems.com DlgConfig=http://www.nirva-systems.com DlgService=http://www.nirva-systems.com